Well, I can't say how happy I was when the new OP chapter came out, but I still have a headache from my own screaming. I loved it! LOVED IT!
And, when I came home and my sister was in the same state: we did what we do randomly sometimes. Cosplay. Only this time.. dun, dun, dun, duuuuh! We brought a camera....!
Behold my might swinging and my glorious eye brows!
Yes, my manly eye brows love you.
My sister's turn! And she's genderbend Ace-chwaan, aka. Anne. But the hat's mine.
And Sanji spots the woman!
And proposes (Or something....)
Succes! Or at least boobies!
But what! Anne abandoned Sanji? (Gosh, I love this photo!)
So Sanji goes emo and has a Kammabakka flashback!
But he deserves a happy ending so I made some food.
The end.