Tell Me Who Tell Me Who

Sep 09, 2008 11:19

Laptop is back, yaaaay. Doesn't seem to be fixed, crrrrrrap. Hallmates are turning out awesome, yayyyyy, roomate is turning out psycho, aaaaaaaaaaack. Yearbook has asked me if they can use my pictures from the concert last week holy hell yeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaah.

Waking up in New York is one of my favorite feelings.

We went to this adorable breakfast place a few blocks away that had breakfast potatoes and this delicious bit of true advertising.

How many freaking different kinds of coke are there?

We checked out the famous Rockefeller skating rink. I wanted to go skating but we didn't have time, and I guess it's a good thing I didn't go skating there because when I finally did go skating this summer I discovered that for the first four laps or so I had completely forgotten how to ice skate and I looked horrible.

My parents thought this was really stupid, but I kind of like the idea of an electric water fountain. Also, Dad, get out of my picture, geez.

I want to live in that building on the top floor and decorate my apartment with hardwood floors and plush rugs. I'd be rich enough that I wouldn't have to do any work, just read with a hot mug of tea and take pictures.

This house/apartment overlooked the outdoor courtyard at the Museum of Modern Art and I was incredibly jealous. I bet the people watching is off the hook, all from the privacy and comfort of your adorable windows.

Then it was back to the hotel, because the whole reason we were able to take this trip and stay in a ~Hilton~ (which wasn't even that great, it was fussy and they charged for internet) was because my parents agreed to go to one of those timeshare pitches. I chilled while they did that.

Jumping on hotel beds is my guilty pleasure.

My mom tries with my camera, but the only thing she's really gotten is taking jumping pictures.

I could walk through the city forever.

It was so cold, but I much prefer New York in the winter.

I may or may not have said this, but every time I look back on my pictures from before I went to England I thank that trip for giving me an opportunity to condense six months worth of learning about pictures and my style and skill into fourteen days.

Yeah and I bet they're totally affordable too.

That building in the middle there is the Jekyll and Hyde club, actually a cheesy tourist restaurant. We almost went there for dinner for laughs but we ended up at this amazing Italian place that my parent's sales guy recommended. (And no, we didn't buy a timeshare)

Even just looking back at these pictures I feel the same kind of freeing invigoration that New York always brings. We spent more time in Manhattan this time than I would have liked, but this winter when we go again Washington Square Park will be open and so we can go there, too.

I really love all the random statues.

I was trying to sneak a picture of the guy getting his picture drawn but it wasn't exactly successful.

Apparently I'm not the only one who finds walking around museums exhausting.

MoMA was fun. This video was some guys smashing up a small house, furniture and all. It wasn't vicious, I think the little story was that they were from a construction company or something like that but I have to say that when they chopped up the piano I started tearing up.

I don't think I really captured what I was trying for, but if you got down level with one of the rows of cardboard on this sculpture you could see "through" it. It was a trippy experience.

The little red thing in the left corner is supposed to look like jello. It was awesome.

I don't know what these were supposed to be but I dug them.

Some people really take their knitting seriously.

As do some nappers.

My white balance is wonky and the pictures are blue toned- but it was really cold outside, so I think it kind of works.



We walked around a bit after dinner at the delicious Italian place, where they served us all white wine without asking and where I got a fish bone stuck in the roof of my mouth (owwww.)

Overdone but I love it.

And that concludes the adventure for the time being!

nyc!, roomate horror, pictures

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