
Jul 21, 2008 17:34

This is my July 12, 2008. A day from our 11 day beach vacation. I've finally gotten my wireless on my laptop at least mostly fixed, and I got Sims working again! So things are going well. For a while I couldn't do picture posts at all.

Oh god I should do my hair like that every day.

This clock is an hour and a half slow.

My first view, complete with salty window.

Boy the decorators of this house sure love pine. Seriously, the whole house is covered in it. I realize that if you are building a beach house that you'll be renting out most of the year you are not going to be too concerned with how it looks, but really. I mean, really.

My pajamas are so ~cool~ as is my awkward pose and messy bed.

Do sum readin.

I contemplate my hammock, but then...

...breakfast calls me away. Sausage, strawberries, peaches and clementine juice. Okay, the sausages were just a smidge burnt but it was all good.

And then I spot a silly magazine and can't help myself.

I do not approve of my hair in this picture.

Put on my bathing suit. Every glass/mirror surface in this house is horribly salty and foggy because so many renters just leave the doors open all the time. I don't really blame them.

Ah'm ready to go swimming whoo.

Thanks for taking that picture Mom.

This beach is always pretty empty. It's really nice.

The people next door have an adorable boxer named Lexie.

Time check. After this picture we ran into the water.

After a good swim I trek over to the other house. We go to the beach at the same time as some family friends and have two separate houses that, this year, are a good ways a part. Anyway, I hose some of the salt water off.

I just think it was not my hair day.

Hello Jack and Jean. I came over to this house to get some internet time on Debbie's laptop with air card.

On the way back to our house, I see Debbie, Bonnie and Bonnie's fiance as of the night before oh god it was so sickeningly cute and awesome.

Watch some Discover Health. This was one of the ER shows with lots of badly acted dramatizations.

Time check.

Lunch, a BLT.

Then a nap for who even knows how long.

When I wake up I take a shower and just put my bathing suit back on.

Finally make it to my hammock to finish up this book. As you can tell, Pratchett is a writer I really enjoy.

Actually I did an ADIML the day he announced the bad news. :(

I really, really love this hammock.

I think I might have ended up dozing off. Anyway, another sandwich because the salt air and walking and swimming and whatever make me hooongraaay.

Hiya Dad.

We walk down to the water together.

Debbie and Bonnie are working on kite flying.

Absurdly gorgeous.

I think my Dad needs to work on his focusing skillz. Not so good to be out of focus in a jumping picture.

The Three Steps of This Jump:

Pop a squat.


Do a jig and style your hair into a mohawk as you land.

Simple, really.

I guess everyone was getting in on the action.

But nothing beats this one in awkwardnessocity.

Yeah, still out of focus.

At last!

I can't even convey how beeaaaoootiful it was.

A Special View of the Beach in Black and White:


Chill in the cabana a bit.

This is the face of supreme relaxation.

Like I could stop taking pictures just because I'm resting.

Head up to the other house for dinner preparations.

Time check.

The cooks.

And the relaxers. I guess the documenter falls somewhere in the middle.

And dinner is served! Flounder, flanksteak and my very favorite food, onion roasted po-tay-toes. (Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew.)

Dinner is over, time to head back to our house.

Delicious chai.

Delicious Ben and Jerry's ice cream. Dublin mudslide, to be exact.

And some deliciously hilarious Flash Gordon: Space Soldiers, with the horrendous but pretty actress to play the love interest.

And the horrendous but evil looking actor for the villian.

Look through some of my old pictures with Dad. He used to be super into photography. I guess I came by it honestly, because one of my uncles and a few of my cousins are, too.

Put on my amazing pajamas and brush my teeth. Sorry, no pic.

Start another Pratchett book. Having already read Hogfather, though, this one was not that exciting of an experience.

Hour and a half slow time check.

Good night, moon, good night sun. Good night to ADIML.


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