
Jun 01, 2008 22:43

I have SO many pictures that I haven't sorted through, haven't resized...haven't even taken off my camera. It is just so much work to LJ prep them and I'm facing bandwith issues plus a lack of motivation...I guess I'll just keep putting along.

RL is really speeding up, too. I feel like I haven't had a moment to breathe. I got back from England and had roughly five days until I came back home. Then I had maybe a week and a half, during which I could not unpack because my room is so small and I have no storage space. Next was packing and leaving for Florida for a week for my uncle's wedding. Then I got back and two days later was a HUGE family party at our house- I'm talking 24 or 25 people, here. In a week I leave for my summer job, which will be an internship with a family friend who lives in Arizona. She travels so much though, that I'll hardly even be in Arizona for more than a week or so. It will be an awesome adventure, but I am nervous.

I just can't believe how long it has been since I have been in one place long enough to relax. It is not so bad traveling around with only a suitcase to deal with, but trying to wade through all of my possesions and not having room to unpack makes me crazy.

In other news, I've been looking through the course catalogue for the college where, if all continues as expected/hoped (I should find out tomorrow, eee) I will be in the fall, and oddly enough, the Religion major appeals to me most. I am not a religious person. I'm not even sure that I could be said to be a spiritual person. That said, I do would not label myself aetheist. Some days I believe different things than others. But I find religions so fascinating.

Whatever. I think I've rambled enough. I'm off to watch X-Files.

whine whine whine, blah blah

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