Blast from the Past!

May 21, 2008 12:23

Yeah, it is a DC episode! Whatttt.

Lincoln memorial still.

These girls were taking jumping pictures.

Hay bb I want your shoes.

I don't remember if I posed differently on purpose or by accident- but Kathryn took this. She is little sighted in these pictures because she sometimes, and only sometimes, has a fear of being photographed.


Around this point I started to feel kind of out of it. The last time I had been in DC was during NYLC, which was one of the best experiences of my life and something I really miss. Walking around the same parts was weird and kind of uncomfortable.

Stopped for a snack- it was delicious, but so expensive. Stupid street vendor.

The white house photo op. Kate in the green back pack, probably making a stupid comment.

He had another side to his sign that I didn't get a picture of, that made some sort of comparison between Dick Cheney and the devil.

Loose Change.

I think that I was the only one who saw any irony in going from a protest to Starbucks.

Printout thing that I got from a protester.

Sneak shot of Kathryn!

I really thought that this truck was in danger of tipping over.

Then we had to get back to the Smithsonian for a group meet up. On the way there we got a little bit lost and Kate became TOTALLY passive aggressive, even more so than usual. We stopped being polite and started snapping. It could've gotten really ugly if we hadn't arrived when we did.

i'm getting caught up i swear, d.c., pictures

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