Happy Easter if you celebrate it

Mar 22, 2008 22:10

I found my keys. They were pinned to the second floor bulletin board. Not only do I live on the third floor, I never set foot on the second floor because it smells like poo and toe jam. Whut.

This little girl was on a sort of bike that had no pedals or kickstands. She maneuvered by kicking hard with each leg in turn so she sort of zigzagged down the sidewalk. It was awesome.

We ended up at Cafe Reggio for lunch, which is the bestest restaraunt that ever restauranted. My dad used to hang out there a lot when he lived in the village, and we actually got to sit in the little alcove he sat in all the time.

These chill dudes oversaw our meal, which was absolute heaven by the way. Brushetta and double shot espresso, with a mousse at the end that was indeed a religious experience for me.

Then we walked back towards the subway, stopping at the handball courts along the way. My dad used to play handball here. The sense of history happening all around you in old cities is amazing and kind of intoxicating.

Once back in Manhattan we walked back towards our hotel through Central Park. There is a nice John Lennon memorial near the building he lived in.

Then we wandered down by the lake.

I have a terrible image of him attempting to propose to her and being unable to find the bench that he bought this message for.

This guy was amazing. The birds followed him everywhere, even when he wasn't giving food to them.

nyc!, pictures

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