hey la~

Feb 27, 2008 23:33

The new Killers CD, Sawdust is so amazing. I've been listening to it on repeat since Saturday. Romeo and Juliet is especially good. Bittersweet, dusty, and singable. That's the way I like my Killers songs.

Spring break starts on Friday, and I am so excited. Heading to NYC to just do what the city pulls me to. It has been way to long since my last trip there. It's a little cliche, but I truly love nyc, and would absolutely love to live there one day.

This is from winter break- my hair was recently dyed and straight, which is somefing different.

Some aerials of Lynchburg. I love this city, but I doubt that I could ever live in it again.

Chillin in my dad's office library, waitin' on my ride.

This is Daniel. He belongs to Jill, one of the ladies that works in my dad's office. He is there everyday, and pretty much just wanders around with his little bell toys. I want to work in an office that has an office cat someday.

This is what I do in most of my spare time. There are so many pictures like this that I don't post because it just gets so repetitive.

Dad and Grandma on Christmas morn.

Our tree yay.

My dad thought it was hilarious to put my beat up shoes on the presents and wanted a picture. Um, okay dad.

This blue bell is one of my favorite ornaments ever. For as long as I can remember I've insisted on being the one to hang it on the tree.

We have a lot of fragile, funky shaped ornaments from my Dad's childhood. They are some of my favorites.

We also have Halmark fairies because we're ~classy.

Dad insisted on this picture of some ornament I made in fourth grade with the fairy that "looks like me." Yeah Dad sure okay. (I do kinda like it, though.)

Parental units. (PS Dad is opening my present to him- The Beatle's Abbey Road.)

i'm getting caught up i swear, pictures

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