Daily Late

Jul 16, 2010 04:40

Augh...went to bed early last night as I was having some stomach cramps. Skipped samba (sad sauce) and slept on...

Yesterday was homey - Pascale said she wanted to stay home and the weather complied (wind and rain) so we did laundry and made pie. I've never made pie from scratch before and I confessed to Pascale that I had no idea what I was doing but we'd stumble our way through. The filling came out well, if tart (strawberries, blueberries and blackberries) and the crust was nice and flaky.

Pascale loved mashing up the dough for the crust, happily squelching it with her fingers and exclaiming "I am baking!"

She got so excited she fell off the counter top. Luckily she slid leg first and I was watching so we caught her without too much fuss. Though the bowl of crust dough spilled and I think she was upset about that. We cleaned it up together and forged ahead.

She threw a proper tantrum yesterday, too. Actually stomped to the kitchen doorway, threw herself onto the floor and wailed. We waited it out and then she had a nap.

Paul came over and we looked through his Nowhere photos and had a snack, then Pascale got up, had some lunch and we went outside to try out her scooter. I assisted her and she rode it a wee bit quite bravely I thought. We'll keep practicing.

We put the pie in the oven and played and giggled in the living room until it was ready. I can't wait until my Mom comes next week and gets to meet Pascale again, we are going to have such a good time.

Tyler came home and was a hero Dad while I "shrimped up" in bed (my crampy pose). Slept fitfully and now here I am, coffee brewing. Zoo this afternoon and chicken for dinner. First game session on Sunday, YAY.

And there we have it. More drizzling today, tomorrow begins the weekend and Small Family Time, and next week Mom comes. Life is pretty awesome all around.
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