I almost never want to get up at 0500, despite my oft-mentioned squirrel-like nature. But it helps get an edge on the day. I even get to post once in a while...
Houseguests that you don't notice except to have nice conversations with are awesomesauce. Thanks
mayhem_chaos and
arielmnop for being notably rad.
Tonight, Tyler and I are going to the Cinema of Supreme Comfort to see New Moon. We're trying a new Turkish place first, nom nom...
Pascale went wee for the first time in her potty the other night, woo-hoo! Need to do more naked time to encourage it...
Bought a new dress at the weekend from a Gothic Lolita shop - it's black, has puffy sleeves and bows and a poofy skirt. I love it to pieces...ooh, perhaps I shall wear it tonight...
My small family will be waking up soon so I'd better see to any little things I have to do before then. Until next time, internets!