Sep 24, 2008 16:53
In my oven are cranberry-liver brownies that I'm making for Abby. The buying of the beef liver was gross enough, then touching it to put it in the food processor, then pureeing the liver with the other ingredients, now smelling it baking in my oven. gross. Thank goodness it's a nice day and I can have all my windows open. But, I know she will love them so much, and I can't wait to see her and spoil my furry little daughter this weekend. =) I'll probably send some up to my neighbor to give to her little pups also.
I just found out that my aforementioned neighbor has Lupus. bleh. So I'm going to be helping her with Sophie and Bandit when she can't get out much. Take them for walks, up and down the stairs to take them to potty, and hopefully she'll just drop them off some afternoons so I can play with them and wear them out a bit for her. yay!
Only one more work day this week! Too bad it's going to be a long one. eh. I'm about to be spoiled the next four days afterwards so I think I can handle it.
I'm actually looking forward to the drive down state on Friday. I'm leaving really early, like 6:30 a.m., and I'm looking forward to just driving with my iPod on and having some alone time on the road, thinking about a lot of things and singing at the top of my lungs. haha. Then of course, seeing Abby and my mom and spending alllll day Friday with them, Saturday is Nat's baby shower & family time, Sunday is more familytimes, and then Sunday night of course is dinner with Dave. =)
More good things -
Bought the SATC movie on DVD yesterday. I was iffy about it at first, but then it was on sale at Target for $15.99 so I had to. And, on the CSI front, Horatio Caine is NOT DEAD. hooray! The season opener was so sweet, it was really well done what they did with the story line. But, I do not trust Jake Berkley. He's a little shady. And, what's weird? Eric is still sex-ay, but I'm not fawning over him this season like I usually do. hmmm. This season of Miami is going to kick some ass, I have a feeling. I can't wait for the NY and LV premieres!
I'm almost finished with Dr. Patricia McConnell's book, The Other End of the Leash. It's such a fascinating read, I've learned so much about dog behaviors and human behaviors and how to get both of our species to interact effectively. I learned so much about Abby as well as myself, and I can't wait to really start rebuilding our bond. I feel like we started off so rocky, with me not knowing enough about how she "works", plus when I got her she was beginning her adolescence, which made everything 10x harder. It's all about understanding why we do things as well as why they do things. I love learning about that kind of thing.
God I hope these brownies are going to be done soon. ugggh.