So, basically, I forgot about
Femgenficathon this year, and I had to beg and wait for someone else to drop out to get to add an entry. This means that I wrote the story in more of a rush this year, and there are a few reasons I'm less than satisfied with it, but Time Has Run Out. I mean, this is 12 days past the general extension for femgen, and there's frankly no way I'm going to be able to fix it between now and the final deadline, so... no point in putting off posting, I guess.
My issues with the story:
1) It's a fairly obscure fandom - or at least, a fandom I've never read anything I've particularly liked in, which I suppose is not the same thing at all - but anyway, I think a lot of people are going to have no idea who/what the story's about.
1a) It's a story that hinges on knowing the manga. If you don't have the background, you're going to be lost. This is not a comforting thought, either, cause I suspect that people aren't going to want to read a rambling fic in a fandom they're unfamiliar with. If I'm really on top of things, people will hate the story so much it'll be a fandom they never, ever want to explore which would be too bad but not, of course, the end of the world. Sucks to be them, I guess.
2) I don't like the way some of the sentences flow; they're too long, and they meander all over and, I don't know, they go off on wild tangents. (See previous sentence for an example of "What The Hell?" sentence structure.) I fixed a lot of these sentences, but I felt like some of them were integral to the story and if I cut them they'd stop working. As much as they ever worked, anyway. Purple prose, here I come, baby! Didya miss me?
3) I really wanted to post this story in the past tense. I actually wrote it that way, but it came across kinda incoherent-like. Y'know, usually I write in the past tense. I have no idea why 2 out of 3 femgen fics are written in present tense. I mean, it's not that I dislike the present tense, it's just that I think it shouldn't have had to be in the present and that makes me kinda grumpy.
4) I suck at naming stories on the fly.
5) I'm not sure I struck the right balance with the character, but it's sure better this draft than it was initially.
On the other hand, I'm glad I wrote this story about this character. It's been knocking around in my head off and on since I read the manga, and I'm glad I got it down.
Anyway, please wish me luck.
P.S. I edited this post multiple times, meaning every time I thought of something new I wanted to say I came back and added it. :-P