heh i <3 this summer

Jul 01, 2005 22:52

so let me recap about how amazing the last week has been
cause its been pretty damn amazing
like alot

err i donno what i wrote last time so we're just gunna startwith the last thing i remember, errr i have been spending my time with some of the best people evah evAh evah and i love it. i've gone to downtown frederick like 4643q5473743 times with the squareage and some way cool other people. yeah yeah
myspace in the library=lamest thing EVER, but it is okay.

i told my mom last week about my new plans of my college ideas and stuff, i don't think she's like happy about it but she's approving cause i donno she knew it was comming cause it really makes me happy thinking about it? i just can;t tell my padre at the moment cause he might...die of a heart attack.so we decided that if it's still what i want by the end of highschool i can go to a hair institute as long as i go to FCC along with it, and then once i finish beauty school i must go to a 4 year college and such to major in buisinessand minor in fashion. but yes that's what we have come to, but i still have time to change my mind ..eee with the happiness.

and then it was weird cause like last night i ended up going to a paul mitchell fashion show that Aaron was in (by the way he was GEORGIOUS AND AMAzING) but anyways, it was weird timing cause of all of the crap i just talked to my mom about. annnnd it was like exactrly what my life should be. cause everyone was really glam and dressed up and city like and really fab which (i dont wanna sound vain) is exactly like me. cause like im so not ment for the country,and my mom was discussing with me moving back to NY and it was insaaaaaane,like i love it there and its exactly what i'm made for but i dont think i wanna leave this cause i love it here anyways. but yes it was weird cause usualy when i'm, with my friends i am usually the most dressed up, and the most city/glammmmmish, and all that stuff with like unique hair and stuff but like there i so wasnt so i was like woah there.

annyyyways,hehehe enough about my futureness that noone cares about

today was really freeking amazing.
me and michele went to waffle house at like 2 and it made me very happy. i LOVE me some waffle house. take that bitches.
then we went downtown a few hours later cause, we do that everyday cause we have no lives? and we hung out with some peeeeeeeeoples annnd got sushi and michele and i offficially suck at eating sushi. and i was like shaking and felt all weird cause i had too much caffiene heh. whatevvv

oh yes i found a car yesterday i think that i want it. alot. and i might get it. yAY!
other than that
this is one of the longest entry things ina while

right when we got downtown this guy with like a unbuttoned black shirt and a cowboy hat was sitting down and we walked past him and he yelled at us
"will you stop with the not saying hello when you walk by"
and we just kept walking cause i was like err...
but i turned around and he came and talked to me
and he like grabbed my hand and kept appologizing and saying he didnt mean to scare us or anything
and he was like
"i jsut wanted to tell you you look really fabulous and your purse is fabulous and your shoes are fabulous and your hair.." and it cracked me up
and he asked if i was at the fashion show last night i said yes and he told me he met the CEO of paul mitchell and i was SOOO jelous i WISH i could meet him. oh god.
and he was like "sorry i didnt mean to scare you im from new york ill talk to anyone and blah blah blah i just wanted to say you look fabulosu " and stuff and it made me really happy and he was REALLY freeking funnny like he cracked me up alot
thats the kinda people im meant to be around haha its bad to say i know but its like where im from and how i am exactly.haha i was like YAY someone else thinks im fab. bahahaha people rock
sorry this is a terribly vain entry

and i really hope people stop telling people stuff. hah like yeah anyways
okay i'm done

work tomorow morning
then the grange i think
who knows
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