Mar 23, 2005 21:45
Today was really cool. We had a fifties dance
party and we had to dress up like it was the 1950's. Of course I
dressed up as a greaser. I slicked back the hair, wore tight
jeans, a white tee, some boots, and a leather jacket. Oh and a
pair of sunglasses. I was pimp, or as they would say in the
fifties I was boss. I got to school and got a few loks, but it
was fun. Lots of poeple talked to me, and I had fun being the
center of attention. That's not usually the case! Usually
I'm standing off to the side somewhere while everyone else has
fun. NOT TODAY!!! lol
I finally get to third hour, and the party
begins. We got into the library and moved all the tables so we
could have a dance floor, and started messin around. All the
guys, dressed as greasers, stood around, snapped, and made many pelvic
thrusts. The girls skipped, and laughed. It was cool.
Then our teacher tells us we have to dance, so we start practicing, it
went pretty well.
Then they played "Born to Handjive". That is
THE song, i'm telling you, it's the best. I can dance to it!
lol Everyone was standing in a circle, and just doing the hand
jive, so it got kinda boring, so i slid into the middle on my knees,
and continued on the handjive. It was awesome. Everybody
laughed. I got up, stood aside, and watched Jamie S. dance with a
few girls. Then they played a slow song, which was cool. I
got to dance with someone, and it was nice. We did the whole
twirl, spin thing, and laughed.
The bell for first lunch rang and everybody else
came in for the party. There were quite a few people, but it was
still cool. I got alot of compliments on my hair! lol There
was this one black guy, Chris C. He did his hair cool
too. Most of the black guys just wore wigs. So it was
cool that he actually STYLED his. We danced around a bit
more, and then the hamburgers showed up. Now, our teacher said
they would be big, and good. They were good, but they def.
weren't big. And the muthers were cold! WTF? or as my
friend would say, WFT? lol
I got home and took a shower, to wash all the gunk
out of my hair, then went to the gym. I struggled with leg
presses and such, but all in all it was a good workout. I saw
some friends at the gym, but i didn't see who I was lookin for, oh
well. They'll be there another day. I went home and got
online for a little while and talked to an old friend. I haven't
seen him in a while, so I asked him if it was alright if I went over
for a little while. He said, sure thing, so I went and we looked
at trucks. Then we went back to his house, and played some
Basketball, where I got my ass whooped!
I don't know why but I've been really tired lately,
I think it's from a weekend long ago where I missed a night of sleep, I
just stayed right the fuck up until the next night. That was a fun
time. But I have been really tired lately. I am gonna catch
up on my rest this holiday, and maybe even get a tan. I'm gonna
just run around at my dad's house with ma shirt off so I can catch a
few rays. I'm not really white, but my blondish gold hair makes
me look pale, so i'm gonna take all the sun I can get.
Man, I'm so happy because lately my confidence has
soared. I've been having good luck with the ladies, laugh if you
want! lol, I'm working out again, and things are just going good.
There are a few people that I am pretty sure like me, and I like em
back. Just gotta choose, so I'm gonna give it some more
time. I'm really glad that I'm workin out again, my biceps are
already back in shape, and everything else is slowing getting back to
normal. Thank God.
I'm on this website called myspace, and that is
really cool too. I can leave messages on people's pages, and
comment on their pictures. They can do the same to me, and we
send bulletins back and forth. It's a really cool way to meet
people, and keep in touch with friends. I've only got like 38
friends on it, but sooner or later I'll get up there in the
At this point I'm just babbling so I'm gonna stop
no. You can all go back to your lives, and have fun, cause I sure
am. I'm goin to sleep, and that is one of my fav. things to
do. So goodnight everybody. Lata!