I should've told you every day from the moment I met you.

Jun 23, 2011 23:10

Pirates of the Caribbean Meme
Day 23: Favorite relationship


Honestly, I can't even help myself.
They are both so spectacularly pretty. And Sparrabeth makes me weep, because Jack ♥s Pearl/Rum/Jar of Dirt/Sea, okay?
That last bit being said, I am going to totally disregard it in favor of

Hey, I'm all slashy at heart, what can I say?
These two are also absolutely gorgeous. And just because they're not canon/all of their love scenes were clearly removed Jack loves the Pearl/Rum/Jar of Dirt/Sea, it does not mean that my little heart cannot randomly smoosh them together to make a pretty thing. So there.
Thirdly, I think these two need a reality show wherein they bicker and steal each other's stuff,
Jack & Barbossa

I don't even know anymore
Okay, I totally love these two, though not in a slashtastic way :[. But they're so ridiculous together and I feel like we were cheated out of so much of their obviously crazy banana pants foolishness.
The end!

Day 1: You seem somewhat familiar. Have I threatened you before?

Day 24: My vessel is magnificent and fierce and huge-ish and...gone. Why is it gone?

let's go to the movies, female character ftw, my pirates, this is my fandom, male character ftw

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