(no subject)

Aug 22, 2004 18:04

So, this entry originally consisted of a nice long, sarcastic faux-letter to the Canadian Olympic Committee telling them all that they could take a big, juicy bite out of my wheelchair-utilizing ass for snubbing the Paralympians. I'd rather not resurrect said faux-letter again, but I have to say that I originally wrote it because (and my eyes are literally stinging and filling a little here) Chantal Petitclerc, who's from Quebec, won the women's 800m wheelchair race today in Athens, becoming the first disabled athlete ever to truly medal in an Olympic games.

I need to pause. And just, yeah.


About an hour after I find this out, I wheel into the library and the first thing I see is this book on the top shelf of the unit directly against the wall in front of me, where the new releases are. The following exchange takes place:

Me: Excuse me?
Poor, Unsuspecting Librarian: Yes?
M: Do you find it as ironic as I do that a book with the symbol of wheelchair accessibility on its front cover is placed so high up on that shelf that anyone in a wheelchair who wanted to see it couldn't possibly reach it?
P, UL: Now that you mention it... hey, I never thought of that. [sheepish] Do you want to see it?
M: [beaming] Oh, sure. I was just teasing.

I skim the book jacket and then put it back on a shelf that's at level with my knees.

Patron Chuckling at Computer Table Near Desk of Poor, Unsuspecting Librarian: I only caught the tail end of that, but hey, she has a point.

I seek out my little sister, who is trying futilely to conceal the fact that she's busy checking out Star Wars fiction by the armload, to steal her library card.

Sister: When you said that to [P, UL], you were so. Loud. I looked at the lady next to me and went, yeah, my sister's a loser. But half the library looked up and went [mimics nodding with studious look on face] 'Oh, yeah, good point...hmmm...'

I cackle all the way back to the Classics aisle. Loudly.
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