Oct 30, 2008 15:24
Kyle and I are looking for a house. We found one we really want and I am trying to focus all of the good vibes I can muster toward getting it. Wish us luck.
School is so borrrrinnnnggg sometimes. I'm at school from 10a-7p on tues/thurs. It's brutal.
We protested prop 8 last night with a bunch of our buds. It was good. After that Ryan (Kyle's older brother), Kyle and myself had some garden burgers and then passed out. I haven't slept at my house at all this week. Hopefully I'll remember to tonight.
PS- Christian fundamentalists need to chill the fuck out and spend their time doing stuff like Jesus did. Like helping people in need and uh, not passing judgment. I am not even saying this ironically or sarcastically fyi.