Sprinting to keep up

Mar 24, 2010 15:31

Once again!

So Canberra rocked.

The queue at the Gallery was long - 2 hours long in fact - we had pre purchased tickets knowing that the queues were mental, but it was worth the wait!!  We wanted to get a copy of the catalogue, but the queue in the giftshop was three times snaked back on itself so wasn't an option after the viewing.  There was a beautiful painting of the Muses at the exit, a lovely finish I thought.  Predictably Starry Night was a solid wall of people, as was Van Goughs self portrait.  And now I've seen Aldous Huxleys chair!!  The Seurat component  was a bit disappointing, as he was predominantly represented by detail studies but they were still worth the look.

We spent the night at DesCartes on Friday, Pony and Bruce had gone armouring in Sydney so after a nice meal at the Vietnamese place in Weston, we sat around and annoyed Tink, getting squiffy on sweet fizzy red wines as she sorted her jewellery until the wee hours.  The household is gearing up for Festival, lots of black pot helms and crosses this year.  Breakfasted in Tuggeranong, did a lightning dash to Walkers Ceramics , which we missed :( so did the other shopping you do in Fyshwick, dropped into the DFO and scored some Converses for Saffron

Dinner Saturday consisted of blue cheese and a G&T at the Qantas Club before flying home. Taxing home to get the car to collect the horde I was the most laid back and relaxed than I have been in a long while.  And Canberra doesn't feel like home now.

Great to see old faces at 2Tyne, too little time tho!

It's pick up time, gotta go, still reeling from Sunday night with the Pixies at Festival Hall, or maybe it was the dash into Ringwood for cheap PSP and PS2 gaming gear and the Cadbury Factory on Monday.  Damage, various UMD cases, controllers, speaker systems and 5 Kilos of unwrapped chocolate bars (plus the Easter Fare.)  My Arse is doomed.  At the gym yesterday after 20 squats each leg (!twice!), I did tell my slender, buff personal trainer that she was getting a kilo of chocolate from me next week...


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