Jan 23, 2005 17:07
Yeah yesterday was my 6 month anniversary with Amanda. I messed up on Friday night though. I cheated on her, well technically it wasn't my fault. But I don't have to explain myself to anyone, not even her. Well I feel really guilty. I hurt her, I love her, "I never meant to be so cold". Now our relationship is slowly failing. We don't talk that much anymore, we fight and argue, we hang out with people that like us, and I really don't think we trust each other that much anymore. Amanda wants to go see some girl that she held hands with a little while back for 3 days. My heart will shatter if she cheats on me. I told her we should break up before she goes there to see Amanda. All I can see is her coming home and trying to tell me that she messed up. I would lose my mind and we would break up and I would never date again. I mean it this time, I won't another girl or guy. Girls cheat, lie, fight, and can be bitches and pretty much I would say the same thing for guys but they are assholes.
Things between Ashley and me are weird. We don't talk that much anymore either. Destiny and me are talking little by litte, but no great improvement of trust has surfaced yet. Oh well, I'm not hurt, I don't know her enough to be hurt. I learned quickly to not care about people that you don't know thanks to Nikki. You can't trust just anyone, they have to prove theirselves. In my case, I act like I let people in but really I only let my closest friends in.
Matt and me are cool again. We hung out on Thursday because we had a 2 hour early release and then it snowed and they couldn't have us in school with a 2 hour delay and 2 hour early release. So we are pretty much on the same page that we left off on. Well him and Ashley broke up so I guess that explains most of it. How dumb is it to hate someone because they want nothing to do with you? Ashley is so stupid. I hate her, want nothing to do with her, I could care less if she likes me or not. I'm not the one crying because my boyfriend cheated on me over and over. Sorry but I'm 16 and I have a life, I'm not 15 and pressed on some guys dick. I don't care how much I love him or trust him, I wouldn't be a slut like that.
Oh well this is a cheap update but it will do.