"I'm barely hanging on"

May 19, 2005 19:59

I made a new friend. It's ironic because she's friends with Amanda! Kylie and I are already really close. She likes me a lot and I must say I like her too. I guess I just can't stay away from the Rhode Island girls as P.O. said. I got a busy schedule this weekend. Friday I'm getting my hair highlight, Saturday I have a dodge ball tournament for R.O.T.C. and then a party Saturday nite, and Sunday I have to study for my finals. I'm thinking about taking Pre Calc next year. It depends because today I got my new rank for R.O.T.C. I'm now a lituenant junior grade and I'm the female supply officer. I'm no longer athletic commander, I'm kinda bummed about that. If I take R.O.T.C. twice then I won't be able to take Pre Calc and all my teachers say I should get as much math as possible. I might take Honors Pre Calc as a challenge, I know I won't pass Advanced Placement. I dunno, its just the thing of being a senior and not having to stay a whole day, but in the end, I might stay a full day. My mind is changing like the weather which is nothing new.
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