The Chronicles of Jeff and Chris parts 1,2.

Mar 18, 2005 13:09

It seems the world hate putting me and chris together it just fears the combination. On my way to the airport to grab my bus that was taking me to yakima I barely made it intime. I was let off to go search for the bus stop went into the garage where I say a bunch of buses only to find out that I was in the wrong bus area so I had to haul ass up a floor across they sky bridge through about 8 baggage claim areas and all in about five minutes. To add to this I was holding my huge ass bag and I looked like a freak running past everybody. But I made it to the bus in time to find out I could have walked because besides me there was about two other people that hadan't showed up so the bus driver was beeing nice and not leaving on time. I could have walked, damn that bus driver.

So I get to yakima and wow it feels weird, I mean it has been a while since I came over here I forgot how nice it could be just so brown and blue, usually this time of the year its green, but due to the draught well its not green nor will it probably be green til next year. But I liked the feeling of traveling by myself for the first time I have funded my own trip that involves only me and it feels good. I don't know why but I was sitting at the Cle Elm stop on the way over and it just felt like I wasn't a kid anymore. Luckily that passed as soon as I got back on the bus and realized I was the youngest one on the bust buy about 20 years. So I meet up with chris and I realize how damn long its been I mean it has felt like years, and we go straight into the issues of our life catchin up doin girl talk as Rach would call it. We talk about girlfriend politics (basterd turned democrate when he moved back over, prick) and life. Then we get to his g/f house visit eat then we go visit my Uncle Troy, once I considered him to be my favorite uncle then he almost killed me when he was high on coke, not a fun time so I was kinda wary of him. But he is doing really good and seems to have mellowed out somewhat (mellowed out under his standerds atleast). Then we get back and we go to his place with a couple of beers and just kinda sit back and watch some tv (there was this funny movie on too, but ah ask me what it was about in person kinda inapropriate but very funny).

Day two after sleeping for about 10 hours because damn I needed that I hadn't slept in a while. lets see day two invloved just kickin it around his house for the most part and watching his smallville dvds. Then at 4 we went and visited his friend tony who is about a year old then me and has a kid, I remember kickin it over at my cuz's old place and playing bond with this guy and now he has a kid, it was a very strange thing, oh yeah he had 2 of them. But he did have kids one was two the other was like 2 months and both pretty good kids I mean it was the first time I thought babies were fun but maybe its because the older one couldn't really talk and just pointed for everything she was trying to get across.

Around 7 we get to my Aunt Alines house (chris's mom for those of you who don't know) because she was was buying our st. patricks day set up. And we stay there for about an hour just talkin and stuff but we had places to be cuz we are so very important in these parts.

Okay so this is the part were I talk about how drunk and stupid I was so just do what I do and laugh at me.

Ah I probably drank about 2/3 of a fith to myself and I was gone St. Patricks day just seems to bring out the inner idiot in yourself espicially when you claim to be irish. Me and my cuz were so gone it was funny so I called this dude I think his name was charles apearintly he likes to get in fights and rip his shirts off. So I call him just start makin fun of him by all the stories I was told cuz he seemed like a funny guy with a huge anger issues. Had a good laugh then I called another number that said Kellers Cell, I turn to the girls whos cell phone this was and was like my cuz dosn't have a cell can I call this, sure she says. This then turns into the funniest prank call ever because the old lady whose name is Mcgee seems to have heard this all before but I made it very entertaining for the crowds enjoyment. So we bounce out of there and go to this house were I we were told we could go too because this girls parents are out of town, My cuz and all his friends know her she was pretty melow kinda resevered but ah man appearntly looks aren't everything because there is this story about her having anal sex with this guy and she shat on his dick. O The People you meet. so we stay there and get even more drunk make some horrible jello shooters and play drinking card games. we run out of alchohal and go try to buy some more but for some reason this guy with all these tatoos wont sell to minors. So we talk to him for like 15 mins cuz we are drunk and that what we do we get drunk and meet crazy people. Okay remember Charles yeah so we run into him at the parking lot at fred myers, Apperntly he has been pissed off all night because of my call and he is going crazy trying find me. He talks about how the guy called and was making fun of him and then he was like you little bitch I will beat your ass when I find you then the guy hung up cuz he was scared. Okay He didn't say anything back at all it was really funny how much guys lie to try to make themselves seem like they have a bigger penis then they actually have. After that we go home. I hit the matres and I am out like the minute I lay down, it was a night to remember.

So that about brings me up to today right now chirs is out takin his girl to the clinic to get the ring instead of the shot so he can try to have a sex life again. He really misses it. Me well it about time I go drink some more liquids and watch smallville some more. So if anybody wants to know I will be home sunday at around 1 am so guys you should meet up with me then.
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