Love Letters from Long Ago

Jul 05, 2008 15:25

Danny, Danny.

Why so sad? Cheer up because we love each other and when you are home we will hold each other and you will know how good we are together.

We can sit in your room for hours and love every minute we have together so much that it makes hours feel shorter than seconds. Our love makes every second we're not together almost unbearable. Even if I was going to see you tonight it would feel like forever.

When you come home we will hold each other so much that it will seem like I'm there when I'm not. Remember when you would wake up thinking I was next to you?

We will throw blankets around and hide from eachother under them and then you will be a snail and I just a lonely slug. Until you let me share your lovely shell and you will very gladly let me in.

We will lie in the sun holding each other or at least being next to each other while I make Ziona-tune by the water fall.

And then we will go home and I will sleep in the comfort of your arms and in the comfort of the fact that I'm sleeping in the safest place I have ever been. Because I never feel safer than when you're holding me.

We will sleep together on the hard floor of my sister's house and dream of the day when we can comfortably spend the night together with out risk of a mother crashing in like a dinosaur and eating you.

And won't that be our every day life? And doesn't it sound perfectly wonderful? I can't wait for it.

Pain grips my heart too right now. Mostly I think its because I know I can't see you for days and days.. And days are like years when we're apart. It is so hard to know that you're not just a few miles away and easy to get to so I can be comforted by your warm holda.

Please cheer up. It won't be so bad in a few weeks. We just need to be near each other. We need to be together to be reminded of how good it feels to do ordinary things together. To know how it feels when every thing is perfect just because we're together. Do you remember how that feels? It's wonderful and perfect and just good. And it makes us feel so, so glad to be together. Tears fill my eyes just for want of you.


Little things remind me of you everyday.

When I see people bumming money on the street I often times think of when you said 'That's some good silver' referring to the shiniest of all change.

I have a painting in both my room here and in my classroom, I think it is called Estate but I am not sure.

Anyway there are three naked ladies in the painting and the one closest to the viewer reminds me of you, you both have the same butt and general torso configuration. (that sounds so goofy but its a weird thing to word)

I also thought of you when I was at the sculpture mueseum yesterday, for the same reason, I think that you may just have a very worldly bum, people would probably enjoy drawing your bum.

Can we write on your wall together sometime and make up wonderful stories and figures that will entertain our simple minds for hours and hours without sign or need of end.

Can I roll in the grass with you with no sign of end as well.

Can we explore the world as one instead of two incomplete parts to a machine that could never dream of working on its own.

Can I play with you in your dreams a little more often, or am I there far too much already.

Sorry to not use question marks with any of my questions but my best reasoning for that at the moment is that they are far from questions and more so demands and expectations of things that would fill an otherwise incomplete life.

Can I just keep typing and pretend that as I type I am beside you and that nothing can remain wrong.

Oh the flood gates of the mind are furious indeed.

Im glad that a new Riley has joined the world, your army is growing quite large someday maybe we will have to make a contribution.

So many random thoughts flowing from one another but I must go shortly,

Please write things whenever you can, I love pondering and tripping through your words with my mind. It gives me something fun to play with, no comparison to you but at least in many ways your words give me something to hold.

I love getting random comments and messages. It lets me explore and find little hidden gifts from you.

Ciao La Mia Amore
goodbye my love
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