Mar 05, 2005 15:51
yeah...whoever said people can't change overnight apparently never saw american history x....what a good movie..and what a sad movie..i havent cried from a movie in a long time...if you've never heard of it or seen it i recommend it..its with ed norton and ed furlong (the kid from terminator 2) and its about this guy named derek vinyard who is a skinhead and how he went to jail for killing two black people and his younger brother, danny, is headin toward the same path....o and if u didnt know, a skinhead is like a racist, hitler influenced person..yeah...dam this movie is gonna get to me for a while..hopefully the play tonight will take my mind off it for while...oo oo tommy turpins gonna be there! yay!
hmm...i wonder if i could ever possibly get extra credit for watchin american history x in ochs does have to do w/nazis afterall