Mar 01, 2005 20:40 is so damn sexy when people are just makes the world a happier place haha...but seriously
k...LAX: nade vs. oaks christian tonight...we won 8-5 or 8-4 somethin around was good..wasn't as long as thursdays scrimage and wasn't as cold cuz i was smart and brought a blanket...and we got a new horn! yay! but man o man the lil score book thing is pretty confusin..theres so much stuff you have to keep track of..but im sure i'll get the hang of it...good god im gonna need help on friday cuz my other managers are bailin on me! well not on purpose of course..retreat..softball..stuff like anyone wanna help me??!! haha...but people should come to friday's game..we're playin malibu and they are really good..or at least were last people come!! its at 7 to my knowledge at nade!!!