blahblah random title

Mar 28, 2008 23:32

I've been to the cinema today with wirbelwind11 and we've watched the Spiderwick movie, which was actually good in my opinion. The actors were good, the cg creatures were so-so, but the overall imagery of the film was nice. The story was almost completely re-written though, but it made the whole thing better, which is funny, because most of the time, the movie adaptations are worse than the book. I liked this new thing with the tomato and salt:D The only change that bothered me was when Arthur came back, and instead of turning into dust in the end,he took Lucynda with him to the lands of the sylphs, and Lucynda even changed back from a 86 year old lady to a 6 year old girl. I think this was the lamest part of the film, but nothing else really bothered me in it. There was also an X-box in the cinema, and you could play the spiderwick game on it, and wirbelwind11 tried it out, and she kicked the fish tank with Jared and he fell off, and we thought it was funny, so we have to get this game for pc somehow:D After we were finished in the cinema, we visited the place where we first met, and it was funny, because it's a kind of mental hospital:D

and a little spoiler from dgm 154

Finally, Cross returns! It's good, I missed the drunken bastard, and I was getting so bored of Linali. All I need now is a Miranda.

Anyway, I started making the foster's mood theme, and I'm about halfway done with it. Yay!

cross, spiderwick

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