My morning (and indeed early afternoon, as I'm on a day off, and rose late) has been taken up by Neil Gaiman, and will continue to be so. Firstly I was reading a rather good
piece he wrote in defence of the Comic Book Legal Defence Fund - CBLDF - particularly relating to something called
Lolicon, which I had never heard of, causing me to originally think he was referring to LOL Icons, which was certainly not the case. While reading the by now obligatory Wikipedia article I found a sentence that read, Lolicon is enjoyed by perverts and pedophiles worldwide. By reading this article, you to are a pedophile. GTFO out my /b/. which was gone from the article when I returned...
I'm now going to continue, and hopefully finally finish, typing up the text of the interview I did with Neil at the beginning of last month. Honestly, it's only half an hour. Why is it taking me this long to get to it?