Feb 05, 2004 19:25
hi everyone! ok, so i decided i really should update my journal maore often, so here i am writing an entry.... so much to say, wow, don't know where to start.so, what have i been doing for the past month or so? i've been kinda busy....i've been going out everyday with my friends, lots of fun :P we like to go to the city, sit somewhere and have a drink, talk, or something, yeah, we also like to play pool and stuff :P but my favorite place to go is this tea place, they have lots of different kinds of tea from all over the world and its soo goooooooooooooooood, and the enviroment, its all oriental looking, has a really nice smell, music from india and stuff, have to take some pictures and post them up here, so yeah, thats where we go if i say "went to the city" for future reference..... so i have visited a lot of bars and clubs and stuff, but i don't drink or smoke, yeah almost everyone else does so i'm the omly one drinking tea or coke in the middle of a lot of friends with beer and ciggaretes.yeah, kinda sad...... so school, i have to pass 6 tests if i want to continue in the class i am supposed to be in, it kinda sucks, but yesterday i did my first one, got a B, from history yay.....so 5 more to go and then another 5 but i don't have to pass those..... so i'm sixteen now, i think its two weeks now or something like that, i got a pink shirt from my classmates :P i luv it :P i'll send a picture sometime........so yeah, thats the last month in a nutshell, oh, just so i don't forget, my emaioll is jgalik@centrum.sk, send me an email if you want to, i'll write back, just lost everyones email so, yeah hats sucks, and i also have an iccq thingy, my nick is ian0.....ok....so.....i'm sorry that i didn't tell you anything about slovakia, how things work here, but i'm just to tired to think about stuff like that and the writing it in a way you could understad, maybe later :} so, okay, today..got up at 7 or something like that, got dressed washed my teeth, etc. and i went to school, i didn't have a first period but i went anyway, my firends were there, so i figured its better than sleeping, i guess.....so got to school, sat in the buffet ate french fires and studied and stuff......so second period-math, i like that class, third period, uh oh, i just realised i din't know my schedule :{ so anyway, we had ciology today, we were supposed to have a test but talked ourselves out of it :P then i had PE, played volleyball........sucked.......then slovakian literature, i hate that class :{ than english, i'm doing a project for my english class - a website about kosice, i think you might be interested in it maybe, i'll tell you when its finished........ so then i had math again and i don't know what else.......went to the city after school, played pool and stuff, fun :) so when i was going home i was thinking about how cool it woulkd be if someone came and visited for like a month or something, think about it, doesn't have to be a month, but come if you want to, oh yeah, my dad went back to ames to finish a project, he got there yesterday.......so got home, listened to some music........yeah, nothing else really, just so you know - people don't really study in slovakia :P they're not dumb, but we (most of us) just don't study :P so, i guess i'll go now, oh and a posted some photos on the internet! its in slovakian, but not a whole lot of text so don't worry, the address is www.sextaa.szm.sk - and you can leave a comment for me on it, just click on forum, type your name in the first textbox thingy and the message into the big one, ok, g2g, love ya bye