(no subject)

Mar 31, 2007 22:00

I realized today. And my first reaction was, "How on earth did I get here?".
And I figured it out, too.
You see, I wanted to get ahead. I wanted success. So, I chased my dreams. But, you see, I thought I would be creative about it: I decided instead of walking, running, driving, or biking I would tunnel my way.

So I dug a hole. And I tunneled. I worked and I worked and I dug and dug.

And finally when I felt like I couldn't do it any longer, I decided to pop my head out-- just to see how far I had gotten-- and maybe seeing my goal close at hand would inspire me to finish.

So I stuck my head out to see.


I looked around. I was baffled. "Where am I?", I thought.


I realized I had tunneled the wrong direction completely. I dug myself right under the road to nowhere.

And the worst part about all of this?

I could have just walked.
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