Jun 05, 2006 01:16
So, work is sucking more than usual. Well that's not entirely true. On the plus side almost every girl I work with is hot. Last event there were ten girls working the two events and nine of them were hot. Not just pretty, or somewhat attractive, I mean hot. This was with one of the hottest one's not working to boot. Unfortunately another girl, who was not present, whom a co-worker described as "super hot", is unlike the other girls I work with a mere seventeen years of age and thus untouchable. As the same co-worker put it, one night of getting lucky is not worth five years of getting lucky from behind. NC's age of consent at 16 notwithstanding, apparently if there is an age difference of 4 or more years it's illegal if the girl is under 18. Ah well, life is full of these little disappointments.
The things that bother me are numerous, however. One is the fact that we get no tips base. if we are lucky there is a cash bar and we get a cut of the bartenders tips but this means that when the bar is all hosted, or ticketed tips tend to be lower. A trend I feel is rather ironic given that if you are getting your drinks for free you oughtta tip the bartender since you aren't paying to drink. If you tip a dollar you still saving a good bit of the price of a normal beer. It doesn't work that way though. I've gotten tips 3 times over the past 3 weeks of work, a complete cash bar netted $13, a combination cash/hosted netted $9, and a ticket bar (essentially everyone got two free drinks) netted $3.75. A completely hosted bar netted me the princely sum of $0, thanks you tight ass bastards may you all burn in hell.
Two is the hours. Once a private club for members of the ritzy neighborhood the Jockey Club is situated in it now only does contracted events. Last week I worked seven hours, this week I work none. Tops I get about 20 hours, therefore I'm going to have to get a second job. Last summer I worked 48 hours a week, for shit money to be sure, but nevertheless despite the hours I ran out of money before the school year even ended. Not only did I spend all the money I earned working I also spent all my xmas/bday money. Next year is only likely to be more expensive considering the expansiuon of my drug repertoire.
Third is the fact I hate work. I have never once liked any of the jobs I have had. I work them because they pay me money to do so. It's not even a situation of hating work but loving money. It's hating work while my affection for money is purely engendered by its necessity. I don't like money itself as a concept or object, I like it because it gets me things I like.
Despite the dearth of hours this week it was fun because I got to go up to Greensboro to visit Mike, Greg, and Mike's friend Robby. Robby is a pretty cool dude who can be an asshole at times, a lot like Mike really. It was good to take a break and chill out with friends and enjoy some recreational treats after being clean for 25 days. I could have passed a drug test, maybe. Anyways, if work allows I definetely want to go back up there a few more times this summer, their apartment is pretty sweet. Makes me really regret the fact I can't live off campus. Still, after graduation maybe I could get a place in Greensboro, that way I could still hang out with my friends who will still be in Guilford while also offering them a place for parties.
Well tomorrow I pick up my check so for the first time in a long time I won't be completely broke, although a fair portion while go back to paying people who spotted me while I've been broke. C'est la vie.
Garbage's album Beautiful is really good. You should hear it if you haven't.