Apr 22, 2010 08:58
No more "fuck my life" its time to "fuck your life"
I don't feel sorry for myself I swear, its just wasted energy
Its wasting energy trying to be friends with weird people. I don't like weird people, I sometimes wish I would die just to get away from them. I definitely do not value life as much as I used to just because I've experienced both the beautiful side and the ugly side.
An old friend of mine died last week and part of me thought how lucky he was to have left this place.
I am madness, I hate it, but I feel like I'm slowly goin crazy.
I wanna be brutally honest.
If I really spoke my feelings through my writing then people would get very upset lol.
Speaking of writing I have a poetry reading coming up on the 3rd of may. If you're reading this you should come
Also its the same d3eal with my classical voice concert, that's on may 14th.
I love things that change for the worst.