This is truly the story of my life.

Dec 05, 2007 01:35

The moral of the story today: I'm a fucking moron.

I had three papers due this week, and I waited until the last minute for each one.  I didn't even get to finish one of my essays for Art & Essay!!  I looked through all of my past essays trying to find parts that I could cut a paste to try and end it.  Thankfully, my last workshop piece wasn't bad, so I won't be remembered as the girl who wrote for shit, despite having taken Art & Essay twice.  It's a crazy cycle I've been in, when it comes to writing creatively--things suck, they get a lot better, and then they go back into the toilet.  Thankfully I won't be relying on my creative writing ability for the rest of my life, unlike some people in writing classes.  The class ended in an odd way, because we were taking a quiz, there were individual goodbyes.  Here is how my goodbye went:

"Just so you know, Afaf wrote a little message on her folder.  Kind of like a greeting card." I said, unsure of what else to say.  
"Ok, thanks." Cooper said.  
"Alright, well bye," I said as I started to walk away.  
When I reached the door Cooper said, "It was nice knowing you." 
"Yes, it was nice knowing you also." 
[End Scene]

It was followed by an email to the class with a link to his personal myspace page.  THEN after I left, Mom called and we talked for a while about Grandpa's kidneys failing on him, and then when I was done talking to her I realized that I left my keys and FSU card inside the apartment.  I called Laura and she didn't answer, so I made my way through the jungle to her bedroom window, and was about to bang on it when she called me back.  Apparently she couldn't hear me, while I said that I was locked out, and the call was dropped.  After banging on her window, she didn't answer, so I figured she would be making her way over to the door to let me in.  Well I didn't want to miss her, so I skipped/hopped/jumped out of the jungle, and then fell hands first onto the pavement.  My Ugg boots had caught the plastic liner they use for the landscaping, and well I went down.  My hands were fine, but my fucking knees are scraped.  It's crazy to think that my hands were bare and made contact with the concrete, while my knees were covered by a layer of denim.  Fucking irony.  Now I have a nice size scrape on my left knee, my right knee's turning purple, and part of my ass hurts when I walk.  UGH!  Next I'll have caught mono--only a day after coming back from Christmas break, right before classes start.

I saw an advisor yesterday and officially decided to graduate a semester early.  It's crazy to think that I will be graduating this time next year.  It's sad to think that I won't even be able to have a Bull's card for a full semester--I'll only be 21 for a couple months before I graduate.  I won't even have the chance to enjoy drinking legally.  Lame.  But the idea of being out of school, working a real job, and being on my own makes up for everything else.

Ok, enough procatsinating.  My elbows are starting to hurt from resting on my desk--I only have a limited amount of time before they get too sore...       
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