Nov 18, 2006 07:10
So my psyciatrist took me off the prozac and the lamictal. Mainly bc i developed a near death allergic reaction to the lamictical. Thefore, he's going to take me off the psyche meds for the next couple of weeks for the lamictal to completely clear out of my system. In other words, I've been on an uncontrollable roller coaster ride this past weeek.
I've been shopping like mad, inexplicably moody, hooking up with guys like there's no tomorrow but i've been doing other self-destructive behavioral activities. I am going mad. And the cynical thing is, that i really like it.
I love the feeeling of being off meds. I love my manic episodes. I love my natural highs; they are completely incomperable to any high i've experienced in my life.
The only thing my psychiatrist put me to control my insanity is ativan which is a benzaodiazapene/anti-anxiety. It's suppose to control my anxiety attacks and help me fall asleep but it's really not helping at all.
Anyway...we'll see how the rest of the week pan out.
I did paint though!