*i baked these two cakes for a going-away party at work, using gluten-free cookies for the crusts.
these aren't quite a well-posed cake glamourshot (my coworker kindly gave me her partysnap).
the relatively small group present downed them both fairly quickly. i was impressed. i didn't think that we'd get through them both. go team!
the lemon cheesecake (w/ a gluten-free gingersnap crust), lemon curd recipe, and quick strawberry coulis recipes were all from cook's illustrated (just ask me if you want them). the cheesecake was suprisingly light in texture.
the peanut butter chocolate pie recipe was from food & wine.
http://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/double-chocolate-peanut-butter-pie the lemon cheesecake was suprisingly light, and the chocolate peanut butter pie was pretty much a giant peanut butter cup.
i made wee versions for my roommates. my two mini springform pans are handy for that.
*getting ready to go to Kelly's wedding upstate over the weekend. looking forward to spending time with JAB & Keebler, as well.
*i am having one of those moments of emotional scatterment (about work, 'career,' life, whatever) that i seem to have once every 6 months or so. it seems that i benefit from having a semi-annual mission review retreat of sorts with myself.
so- brainstorming, exploratory research, long walks & quasi-cliches. that's where my head's at right now. sooo cheesy. i find myself humming certain paul simon songs with, uh, particularly meaningful lyrics to myself. ahh- cheeseball. whatever it takes, yo.
*been watching season 1 of true blood, and season 1 of the new dr. who.
dr. who is much more satisfying.