Nope, it's not strictly an LJ thing. :) It's this huge anonymous fandom fic exchange where anyone can sign up (and once you do, you can't back out of it - they kind of make a big deal about that, ha). Sign-ups close on the 19th of this month. Basically, you start by filling out a form of 3-4 fandom requests (but 4 different fandoms) with characters or pairings you would like. They've added a new feature where you can also request a particular rating (so if you're looking for something smuttier, maybe NC-17) but it's only the fandom and pairing that are guaranteed to be matched/fulfilled. You can also add a link to your letter to your Yuletide Santa, like I've done, so you can tell them about any specific likes/dislikes, wants, etc. Anyway, once you've filled out those, you go onto the offers section and put in fandoms and the characters that you are willing to write for. You can offer from 4-10 fandoms. So, once all these have been sent in, Yuletide will send out assignments to each person by matching requests/offers. You'll know who you're writing for once you get the assignment, but you won't know who's writing your story until the end, when all the fics are sent in and posted. There's a FAQ section about the exchange here.
Thank you, that was very helpful! That definitely sounds like something I'd like to participate in, but I'm thinking maybe I should just stick to fn_ff secret santa? I'm not quite sure. I know I want to put a lot of effort into the fn_ff one because there are so many people I'd like to write for (if that's how that works, I'll have to familiarize myself with the rules).
Also I just have to say, I ABSOLUTELY FREAKING LOVE ALL OF YOUR REQUESTS. Mine would be in a different order, but I daresay they'd be exactly the same.
You can claim multiple prompts with fn_ff, which is awesome. :D Unfortunately, you don't know who you've written the story for until the very end, when all the fics are posted. I think the reason I do Yuletide is because I hardly write throughout the year (damn uni), so when holidays roll around and I'm actually obligated to produce something, it makes me write. Otherwise it takes me, like, two months to finish a 1000 word fic, ha. :P
I would encourage you to do Yuletide with us, but that's just me being selfish, 'cause I want to read more stuff from you. :D The deadline for Yuletide last year was like the 20th of December, I believe? They post the fics on Xmas Day. The fn_ff deadline is a little later than that (I think last year it was extended to the 5th of January) and they're generally a lot more flexible. :)
HEE, THANK YOU. I am really hoping that its my Fakenews one that gets fulfilled, ngl.
I had something coherent to say but then I spent a few endless minutes staring at your icon and completely forgot all of it.
I think originally, I was going to be prudent and maybe do one fn_ff secret santa fic, maybe Yuletide, but I know me - I know I'm gonna end up doing all of it multiple times over, plus some more, because I really do have insomnia and it's my favorite way to pass the time, haha. (Also my favorite way to pass the time in class. *cough*)
It's OK. I turn into Jerri Blank if I keep watching it for too long.
I know I'm gonna end up doing all of it multiple times over, plus some more, because I really do have insomnia and it's my favorite way to pass the time, haha.
That's what she said.
I APPROVE OF THIS. GREATLY. (And I don't think I have a single notebook for uni that doesn't have at least a few pages of fic scribbled in the back. :D)
I was legitimately just doing my "Fandango? Hobocamp? HOBOCAMP?!" impression not even an hour ago.
Hahahaha! I like you. I'm glad we're friends. XD
Oh, same here... the other day, my History of TV/Radio professor said something like "Conan's ratings beat out The Daily, um, Jon Daily - um, Jon Stewart - and the uh, uh... ColBERT ReporT." Needless to say, I tuned out for the last hour and wrote fic.
I still haven't gotten (either of) her book(s). I NEED THEM IN MY LIFE. Along with America: The Book, and Earth: The Book. I've only ever heard the America: The Book audiobook. :)
Wigfield is one of my favourite books ever, though. Demented brilliance between two covers. :D
I want the Wigfield audiobook so badly! I have all of the books but I've never heard any of the audiobooks.
WOMANNN. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME. I CAN'T EVEN. Jon looks like he's about to pounce on somebody and Stephen... ahhh. I'm on youtube watching Chuck/Geoffrey vids when I should be doing about a million other things.
OMG I'M SO EXCITED FOR THIS, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. I'll probably spend "homework time" listening to it. because really who am i kidding anyway
Noir!Jon and Raven... I can't even wrap my brain around how epic that would be. Every time I drop in and have a little comment!chat with you, I add another idea to my list of to-be-completed fics. You're like... a magical/stealth plotbunny, hopping around and planting ideas, slipping them in when I least expect it. Or... a ninja. You're a fucking ninja! I love it. I hereby declare you Fic Ninja.
And yuletide_admin posted this handy tutorial about sign-ups here.
I hope that helps!
Also I just have to say, I ABSOLUTELY FREAKING LOVE ALL OF YOUR REQUESTS. Mine would be in a different order, but I daresay they'd be exactly the same.
I would encourage you to do Yuletide with us, but that's just me being selfish, 'cause I want to read more stuff from you. :D The deadline for Yuletide last year was like the 20th of December, I believe? They post the fics on Xmas Day. The fn_ff deadline is a little later than that (I think last year it was extended to the 5th of January) and they're generally a lot more flexible. :)
HEE, THANK YOU. I am really hoping that its my Fakenews one that gets fulfilled, ngl.
I think originally, I was going to be prudent and maybe do one fn_ff secret santa fic, maybe Yuletide, but I know me - I know I'm gonna end up doing all of it multiple times over, plus some more, because I really do have insomnia and it's my favorite way to pass the time, haha. (Also my favorite way to pass the time in class. *cough*)
I know I'm gonna end up doing all of it multiple times over, plus some more, because I really do have insomnia and it's my favorite way to pass the time, haha.
That's what she said.
I APPROVE OF THIS. GREATLY. (And I don't think I have a single notebook for uni that doesn't have at least a few pages of fic scribbled in the back. :D)
Hahahaha! I like you. I'm glad we're friends. XD
Oh, same here... the other day, my History of TV/Radio professor said something like "Conan's ratings beat out The Daily, um, Jon Daily - um, Jon Stewart - and the uh, uh... ColBERT ReporT." Needless to say, I tuned out for the last hour and wrote fic.
(She's kind of one my heroes. I think that ... explains a lot about me.)
Oh, me too. :D
Hahaha. Steven ColBERT and Jon Daily. :P
I love Amy and all of her many incarnations. <33
Wigfield is one of my favourite books ever, though. Demented brilliance between two covers. :D
AHHHH. (I need a moment.)
WOMANNN. WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME. I CAN'T EVEN. Jon looks like he's about to pounce on somebody and Stephen... ahhh. I'm on youtube watching Chuck/Geoffrey vids when I should be doing about a million other things.
IKR? OMG. I ... could stare at this pic for hours. Noir!Jon and Raven would be fucking amazing together.
I'm on youtube watching Chuck/Geoffrey vids when I should be doing about a million other things.
Noir!Jon and Raven... I can't even wrap my brain around how epic that would be. Every time I drop in and have a little comment!chat with you, I add another idea to my list of to-be-completed fics. You're like... a magical/stealth plotbunny, hopping around and planting ideas, slipping them in when I least expect it. Or... a ninja. You're a fucking ninja! I love it. I hereby declare you Fic Ninja.
I can upload the America: The Book and I Am America (And So Can You) audiobooks sometime today or tomorrow as well. :)
I HUMBLY ACCEPT THIS TITLE. (And am more than happy to ramble at you for future "brainstorming" sessions.) :D
I look forward to many brainstorming sessions, Fic Ninja!
That's the first half of Wigfield. Second half is being uploaded now. :)
Enjoy! :)
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