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screw you joey miss_bontemps May 26 2009, 14:16:24 UTC
*thread jack*

copypasta from my lj:
Now, I'm no techie, but he's wrong, wrong so very wrong, at least from a user stand point.

It's true that netbooks awkwardly fill a void. But the awkwardness comes from the void, not the machine. Most of the critisms he touts prove that he's missing the point of a netbook.

Too big to fit in a pocket. Well, uh, if I wanted that, I'd buy a stupid smart phone.

Slightly more capable than a smart phone. Wrong. I can copy and paste on a netbook for one (yes, I know, the iphone can do that. Now. Also, I don't have to lock myself into some ridiculous data package either. Netbooks go where there is net. Not the other way around. And I bet it won't crash all the god damn time either. And it will work like a laptop would, which means I won't have to jail break it to do completely reasonable things.

Slightly less capable than a laptop. Well, that's the point. I don't need to cart around some delicate expensive peice of machinery, with a bunch or ram and memory I'll never use.

More expensive than a smart phone. Don't know about this for a fact, but sure. It also processes better, has a bigger screen, and LO AND BEHOLD A REAL KEYBOARD. And a webcam . . . So uh, yeah, it is more expensive. Because it does more.

Only slightly less expensive than a laptop. Yes and no. True, if you look at acer's stuff, I think there's a approximately $100 or so difference between the their netbook and their least expensive laptop. But for some, a hundred dollars is nothing to smirk at. And HP's differnces start ramping up to $200 or so. Again, big money when you don't have much.

He's probably quite right when he says that netbooks are transitional. I'm sure at some point laptop designers will get their collect heads out of their asses and realize that many folks out there using laptops are just checking email, fucking around on whatever blog, and watching videos, so they'll ramp down the power, and the price.

And it's true, if/when I buy a netbook, it's going to be a secondary machine. Because I really don't feel like toting around thousands of songs, images, and personal information in a very stealable medium. If I get my netbook stolen, I'll be upset, but whoever has it won't have access to the smutty pictures I'm in, or the last email exchanges between me and my mum.

And frankly, he might wish to note that netbooks are selling like mad in places like india and europe, where folks don't seem to cling too much to the Jim Taylor MORE POWER AR AR AR philosophy. Where cell phones sell for practically pennies, if memory serves.


Re: screw you joey miss_bontemps May 26 2009, 14:16:32 UTC
And as for this 'buying their primary phone' business . . . yeah, I can see why folks would be interested in getting as much out of their cell as humanly possible. The selection and buying power for the consumer here in Canada BLOWS GOAT BALLS. We pay ass amount of money for services others laugh at.

And finally, smartphones just plain suck. They're too small for me to read, have no keyboard, which is mad amounts of useless since I actually like growing nails, and I HATE the social impact they have. Yes, yes, that netbook, you have *GASP* put effort into using it, settling it on a surface, actually, you know, paying attention to it. But I much rather that and this continued delusion that folks have about their smartphones and their 'discret' use.

Honestly. I call it a WANG for a reason. It seems like it takes barely a unanswered question or a LULL in the conversation for folks to whip them out and fuck around with them. Just becuase it's small like a cell phone doesn't mean I don't know that whatever it is that's going on around just isn't engaging enough to keep your attention. I know you aren't checking appointments in relation to the conversation.

And I remember those handheld computers from a while ago. I used to sell them, if you can believe. They sucked balls too. Why? Because folks tried to sell them as something they weren't, a powerful, portable computer.

You want a powerful, portable computer? Drop a grand on a laptop.
You want a cellphone with (expensive) internet? Get a smart phone.
You want a wee compy small enough to fit in a bag, that gives you internet access where's there some to be had, in the city, in the coffee houses, in your bedroom, school, libray, friends's house, that doesn't weigh a tonne? Get a netbook.


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