Mar 08, 2005 21:08
well this is my first journal entry. it is March eigth two thousand and five and is currently nine oh' nine on my computer clock, but in reality is ten twelve pm. i am proud to announce that i will become a regular updater on livejournal and am proud to finally have something to do other than reading for almost 5 hours from bordeom. i hope you enjoy.
how formal did that sound? i tryed, i really did. : )
btw im full because i JUST ate dinner and it was really good. i had some beef, rice and a meen squash my mom made. *yummm* i spent the whole time talking to my parents and they almost didnt get to say a thing. hehe. what a blabber mouth i am. but you know what, thats ok because whenever my parents do talk, its usually to eachother...understandable... and its usually bout people i dont know or cardio arithmacy ablations with double palpitation iv's with a dab of mercury injection... exactly.