All Pete Wentzes Considered

Nov 30, 2007 17:00


I was just at a drive-thru getting some dinner, and All Things Considered did a whole piece on THE STAGE GAY. I mean, SERIOUSLY.

They were doing a story about Pete Wentz and how he's helped to change pop culture and what's acceptable masculinity, but instead of stage gay, they called it "The Pete Wentz Effect". They called him out on the "guyliner" and wearing girl's jeans and kissing boys on stage. They even had the online editor for Out Magazine and some 15-year old teeny on there. They played clips of by FOB (obvs) and Panic!, and mentioned MCR.

YOU GUYS. I can't remember the last time I cackled so hard. If you missed it, there's audio and text here. (thanks, logovo!).

(fandom) bandom, (me) ridiculous

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