gah. FAIL.

Nov 05, 2007 10:11

Dude. A man just walked into the building and handed me his card -- he explained that works for some sort of health benefits brokerage or something, and unfortunately, all those decisions are made through our corporate office in Detroit, so he really has no shot at business locally -- but OMFG he was hot. Like, INSANELY HOT. Dark hair and blue eyes and all tricked out in a snazzy blue shirt and tie, and HOT DAMN, I didn't even know we had men that smoking hot in Indiana. Seriously: hot like a hot, hot thing. Damn.

Anyway, I was basically hypnotized by how incredibly good-looking he was, stunned into stupidity. I managed to answer his questions coherently enough, and I smiled (SO HARD), but when it became clear that he'd have no luck here business-wise, this happened:

Me: Yeah, sorry. So... would you like your card back?

Hot guy: Sure. Unless you want to hang onto it? *smiles*

Me: *brain shorts out* Uhhh... I... um... I know they can be expensive...

Hot guy: Okay! *takes card* Have a nice day! *leaves*

Me: ... you, too

I am made entirely of FAIL.


(irl) work, (me) ridiculous

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