the prove your love challenge

Nov 02, 2007 22:15

You guys -- I read something today, and I found it ridiculously inspiring, and I think some of you might as well:

100 Ways to Say 'I Love You', by Paul Ford ( Read more... )

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#89: Gwen (Heroes, Matt/Mohinder) celli November 3 2007, 07:45:03 UTC
A young girl named Gwen is buried in a quiet family ceremony in Calvary Cemetery in Queens. Matt and Mohinder make their excuses at work, see Molly safely off to school, and pretend to be visiting a grave within earshot (Roger O'Laughlin, 1922-1991).

Mohinder sighs. "Stop it," Matt mutters before Mohinder can even form the thought. "This isn't your fault, no matter how much you try to beat yourself up for it."

He gets a stubborn look in response. He hadn't really expected anything else.

Mohinder stays quiet and stoic throughout the service, although he pales a little when Gwen's mother starts crying. Matt grabs his arm and pulls him down onto the nearest flat surface--it might be a bench, it might be a gravestone, all he knows is it's cold and textured. He watches Mohinder watch the mourners. He watches Mohinder mourn.

"Maybe we shouldn't do this anymore," Matt says. He realizes he's still holding Mohinder's elbow and pulls his hand away to his knee.

"We have to, Matt. I don't want to lose more. How I feel doesn't matter."

Matt looks away from Gwen's grave. A few fall leaves are drifting near Roger's headstone. The side of his hand barely brushes against the side of Mohinder's. "It matters."


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