sga crackfic!yay!

May 07, 2007 08:37

You know, delayed gratification is all well and good, but sometimes? There's something to be said for getting what you want. After waiting about a year and a half, my dear celli has finally posted her crackfic!!

And, okay, yes, I got to read most of it already, but still! I am beyond giddy that she's finally posted it, and now the rest of the world can finally enjoy all the hard work she's put into this story:

Summary: Ladies and gentlemen, your driver of the Number 21 Air Force Ford Fusion, John Sheppard.
(AU, McKay/Sheppard, NC-17)

So, while this AU might sound sort of silly in theory? It works ridiculously well in practice. I was shocked to see how easily the characters were translated into this new environment, this new set of circumstances, and also by how celli managed to write a story about NASCAR that was actually FUN to read. She actually made me CARE, you guys. About NASCAR. o.O

And, as inmyriadbits points out, while this is a story about John and Rodney? It's also a story about the whole team, and celli was careful to make them all work, to keep them all the characters we know.

So, yes. It's funny! And exciting! And there's romance and hotness! All the folks you love and hate and love to hate make an appearance, John Sheppard drives a car very fast, and there's even a MONKEY. What more could you want could you want from a fic, I ask you?

you're gonna wanna get on this, (fandom) stargate atlantis

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