my mj report

Apr 02, 2007 09:42

I am home! (Well, not home, exactly, as I'm actually at work now, because my life is hard. Woe.)

I'm fairly exhausted, but muskratjamboree was SO MUCH FUN and absolutely worth it!!

It included: interesting cab rides to and from the airport (the first of which cost me about twice what the second one did, and involved the driver being creepy and hitting on me in a round-about way); fangirls I know and love; fangirls I finally met for the first time in person; fangirls whose names I never even learned, sadly; new friends; drinking; awesome roommates; a roll-away bed; a fannish swap table, where I snagged for myself Professor X "action figure" (his chair pulls to the right, we learned) and Slap Shot & Slap Shot 2; laptops everywhere; the incredibly never-unclogged toilet (replete with flooding disaster the first night); drinking; interesting panels & conversation; singalongs; music vids; PAUL GROSS ARMS! \o/; the Night Games Lounge with possibly the world's lamest bartender; bad and/or dirty jokes; discussion of fandom's fiery implosion while we were gone; Canadian schwag; fandom pimping (with various degrees of effectiveness); more drinking; involuntary volunteering for fannish endeavors; overpriced but also totally slow restaurant; Hugh Dillon's music videos; photographic evidence for future blackmail; curious teenage cheerleaders and their scandalized parents; delicious homemade cookies (seriously, those orange/cranberry ones? were to die); Canadian movies; yet more drinking; flashing for prizes; pretty lingerie; girls making out; boys making out; boys and girls making out (wha??); so. much. drinking; and threats of police action.

It DID NOT include: excessive sobriety; or shame.

All in all, a fantastic weekend, and a very successful con! Well done, all those responsible--I had a BLAST! :D

And since it's been four or five days (and because I heard about some of what you people were up to while I was gone), I likely won't be exploring too much of the posts I missed; if there's something you think I should/would want to see, please do leave me links! :)


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