Is- is this thing on?

May 17, 2012 18:32

Hello, friends and strangers! (The Venn diagram of those individuals may overlap in some places.)

I am still around, but I have to be honest: the Tumblr has eaten my braaaaain. I spent pretty much all my time over there, gazing at pretty pictures of pretty people and seeing all those cool links a few days before everyone else on the internet, and my lexicon is now full #FEELS (and #PHEELS) and #GPOY and #LIFE RUINER and #YES GOOD, etc.

I am quickly approaching my 10-year LJversary, however, and I feel bad that I'm not checking in over here more often, so I thought I'd stop in and say hi. So, hi! :)

Also, I come bearing art (and a fic rec):

The Constant by scrunchy
The Avengers/Justified, Clint Barton/Tim Gutterson, PG-13, ~5k

No, but really: it's a pairing you might not have considered before, but once you read it, you realize it's PERFECT. Trust me, just go.

(fandom) avengers, (fic) recs, (cohorts) rusty crabtree, (fandom) justified, #art covers

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