No one had to spoil the delight that is Peter Dinklage.

Jul 08, 2011 21:33

scrunchy: OK, 3 more eps of Game of Thrones left.
scrunchy: They really could have just called it "Knifey Stabby".

me: "Knifey Stabby McHeylookboobs."

scrunchy: Very true.

me: I'm not complaining!
me: Those are all usually things I enjoy.

scrunchy: No, not at all! But it does seem to indicate egregiousness when I'm like ''wow, seriously, more boobs?"

me: I don't know... add vampires, and I'm set.

scrunchy: Heeee! Will dragons do?

me: ... yes.
me: I look forward to discussing things when you've finished the season.

scrunchy: I am spoiled for a LOT of it.

me: Did you read the books? Or just... didn't realize you be watching/fannish osmosis?

scrunchy: The latter.
scrunchy: Cosmic has told me that everything I was spoiled for didn't happen, and they all lived and pet kittens FOREVER and were fine.
scrunchy: I don't quiiiite believe her.

me: Damn it! Way to spoil the last five minutes, Cosmic!
me: I honestly never expected to see Victoria Principal on my tv again.

scrunchy: FOR CLARITY: that is not re: GoT, correct?

me: Well, I mean how GoT was all a ~DREEEEEEEAM.

scrunchy: She woke up and George RR Martin was in the shower.

me: AUGH.

scrunchy: *snicker*

#cohorts rusty crabtree, (fandom) game of thrones

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