And that's why it's a Team Project . . .

Jun 16, 2009 08:26

Because that gal certainly couldn't get an A on her own . . .

We were supposed to turn in our rough drafts by the end of this weekend (actually, the one gal had stated her intention to pass it over at the start of last weekend). I posted mine on Friday. The 3rd gal posted hers last night. The last weekend gal? Nothing.

These are the two girls who resented the fact that I was a bit pushy at the start about showing some organization and motivation. I figured the reason they were offended was because I hit a soft spot.

Thing needs to be 15 pages. There are three of us. I turned in a solid four pages, ready for expansion with hinting from the other parts. I've got plenty of source material to work from, and here is what I've used for references so far:
  • Lang, Matthew. "Conflict Management: A Gap in Business Education Curricula." Journal of Education for Business 84.4 (2009): 240-45.
  • National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. "Violence in the Workplace". 1996. Department of Health and Human Services. June 8 2009. .
  • ---. Violence on the Job, Program #1. Author, 2004.
  • United States Department of Justice. Workplace Violence: Issues in Response. Quantico, VA, 2001.

My teammate's references for her a-tad-less-than three pages:

These aren't in anything vaguely resembling MLA format! And . . . they suck!

*headdesk* *headdesk* *headdesk*

ETA-And plagiarism! What that hell has this girl been doing?
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