So I did Yuletide this year! It was a lot of fun, and I got this absolutely fantabulous Wonderfalls story from Sandra Faith:
A Little Zombie Told Me If you enjoy zombies (and let us be honest, who doesn't?) and/or crazy people and/or inanimate objects made animate, then run to this story. Or zombie walk.
My official story was
Sad Songs Sung in a Different Room, an Ian Rankin fanfic based off of his Rebus series, with a main focus on DS Clarke. I mentally titled it A tale of two Siobhans, which might warn some of you away. It was written for
pene , who gave such wonderful prompts and subsequent feedback that I will be forever grateful.
I wrote a few treats, and one larger sized story.
Faces was a short I wrote for twincy, and is a fanfic for Dick Francis' To the Hilt. Around 500 words, short, and ambiguous: it is about art and appearances and mad, mad Alexander.
Rooted Lightning was written for que_sera in Tamora Pierce's Circle of Magic series. It is also short, but not very ambiguous - it's about Tris and Briar, and home, and giving gifts and mixing magic.
Handprint Walls was written for Tassos in the Shelter mini-fandom. Shelter is an extremely sweet coming of age story for a gay artist; my small story is set as an epilogue of sorts, and is pretty solidly schmoop. If you're interested in seeing the movie, you probably shouldn't read my story until you have done so. The last story I wrote was a modern retelling of a fairy tale written for Aradiachiba. It has a larger word count than my official story, but what can I say? I was inspired.
Skin is a fairy tale you will probably recognize once you get about a quarter of the way in, and I'm fairly fond of it overall thought it was a rush job and has a few fairly obvious rough spots that I would fix in retrospect.
It sort of looks like I wrote a lot, but mostly I wrote small things, and so didn't really write that much at all. Yuletide was a lot of fun, though, very high energy. I will probably sign up again next year. The only annoying thing is that if I want to reply to reviewers, I have to email them back instead of LJ's handy little 'reply to comment' function. I am a lazy soul, so I might just... not... reply. Which would be kind of a douchebag thing to do. Arg.