Feb 01, 2009 02:41
Frankly University life is bollocks. I've spent a lot of time musing on this inbetween buying crap on ebay, eating chocolate, and talking to myself when the empty hours of the day threaten to smother the dying embers of my soul. I think this is something everyone who has gone to uni secretly (or not so secretly) knows, it just depends on how good you are at lying to yourself.
I've just deleted a very angry and bitter paragraph going into needless detail about why uni is shit. Truth is I don't need to go into details, we all know why. Go to any student bar and really look at the people who drink there, look deep into their eyes and you can see a crying child, unable to understand how they ended up sitting with a bunch of gurgling preening wankers talking crap. Then you realise its actually your own reflection that you're looking at. (I would like to point out that not all uni friends are massive throbbing cocks, just 98%).
But who can blame us for wanting drink snakebite at 11am? Everywhere you look is another news story proclaiming this to be the worst recession since that year when everyone had to eat their own children (1979), that unemployment is up 10,000,000%, and that soon the Earth will be a baking irradiated ball of ash (which does make point A and B look rather insignificant). At least at Uni you have a bubble, don't worry about the outside world, have another drink and bitch about anyone not in direct earshot. World crisis? Forget about it.
To quiet voice of panic nestled in my brain I decided to try and rejoin the uni populous recently. We headed off to the local indie scene for some dancing where I had a lot of vodka and spent the rest of the night being propped up on someones elses face. We parted after I made it clear I didn't want to fuck him in the ladies toilets. I went home, passed out, and woke up fully dressed the next day feeling hungover and embaressed. Still at least I didn't wake up naked, hungover and with a STD.
So for an evening I didn't worry about the world turning to crap, or that my degree is as much use as an umbrella in a drought. All it took was being pawed like a piece of meat by some faceless indie cunt who got shitty when I didn't give him a blowjob in a toilet and drinking enough vodka to strip my insides raw. I think I preferred the impending sense of doom.