Steves Tweets

Jul 07, 2010 00:02

  • 11:10 HAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA( Laugh of relief) #
  • 11:33 @ mgfilion The context is that I was worried enough about something to laugh maniacaly to myself alone in the apt. (Deadlines) #
  • 11:58 @ mgfilion Sometimes I think that if I stop I'll die... or like, I can't die as long as I'm doing stuff. #
  • 12:43 OH SHIP! W're getting Crash and the Boys tracks as well?! #
  • 12:44 It's not listed in the soundtrack, but I wonder if we'll hear "Golden palace of flying burritos" in the film? #
  • 16:30 Breathing heavily along with "Through & Through & Through" is fun AND makes me dizzy! #
  • 16:32 I miss my wrecking ball in a summer dress :( #
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