welll today i woke up. kyle came to get me. we went to the beach we saw kirby chris christina jared. jared gave me a free ice cream cone. after the beach kyle brought me home but i had no way to get in. so i went to the doctors to get my stepdads key. and i had to get a shot. kyle watched me get a nice needle jabbed into my arm <3 lol and then we came to my house and hugn out a little bit and he left.
i showered and i bought my mom dinner <3 chinese food for life <3 soo allie picked me. we hung out with cracker and watched fireworks adn stalked some kid and yea it was sweet.
i came home and talked to chris. we had a webcam chat. the coolest <3 lol he made me
welp now were talkin about plane fairs for the trip were taking lol...
im going up north tommorow yay
erica i miss you i cant wait until you come home friday
brianna i miss you i cant wait to see you
kim & erin.. stay hot <3