i que bueno!

Jan 23, 2005 01:02

lala...i like driving. a lot. sometimes. some people are scary drivers. me included at times of panic, otherwise i am excellent ;)

so today was awesomely fun. me and katie went to galyans to get lacrosse sticks, which is sadly closing . tear. it is now turning into a store called dick's. im not kidding. thats what its called. well anyways we ran into the guys lacrosse coach and he helped us out, that was cool. my mom went all crazy for some reason and got excited that i was doin lacrosse, even though now she has to buy me a lot of equipment and pay expensive dues, and she started giving me all these sport outfits to try on and jackets and shoes....it was scary. she even ended up insisting on buying katie one. we had bunches of fun. and we made fun of a bunch of music and ppl in the car. and we ate hot dogs. except katie...she seemed to wear hers more than eat it...

then at nite we did _________ no its nothin bad i just cant tell you cuz its top secret. only frenchy, matt, me and katie know what we were up to saturday. and i think frenchy was def drunk when we talked to him on the fone,....so im not worried about him.

well tomorrow im goin to uga with my mom n negin to see my sis. its actualy gona be fun...there are real cool ppl there, awesome restaurants, and this amazing guitar store which should b fun to raid. see yall monday. luv yas >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Nall

ps> anna banana ur party was tons-a-fun. we should def do it again
(hey karlee thanx for teachin me how to spell bananas lol...i need to burn that from you....)
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