Moby and Eminem are friends now. They have decided that they both agree on something that can
bring them together: they hate President George W. Bush. I’m glad that two free-thinking Americans
can put aside their hate for one another so that they can hate someone
Celebrity fact: In order to be a celebrity you MUST hate the
current President. This is such a
creative, and intelligent stance. If
you know me, you know that I’m not a big Dubyah fan, but seriously, can’t we
find something else to complain about?
President bashing has been done, and it will always be a popular pastime
of celebrities. Lets change the world or sing about something else that’s a
little more creative.
Moby believes in Jesus Christ, but doesn’t
think it’s safe to call himself a Christian.
He feels this way for two main reasons:
- His
lifestyle isn’t up to par with the one that Jesus asks all of us to attain
- The
Pharisees in Jesus’ time thought that they had it all figured out (but in
hindsight they were very wrong), so if we claim (as followers of Christ)
that we have it all figured out then we are just as wrong as the Pharisees
of Jesus’ day, and we are lost in our arrogance.
It is not arrogant to be sure of our salvation. Hebrews 10:22 says, let us draw near to God
with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to
cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure
Sure I’m still working out my salvation with God with fear
and trembling (Phil 2:12), but I’m sure of where I’m going because I’ve given
up my old lifestyle and I’m constantly checking to see if I’m living a
righteous life in His eyes.
God Bless America.
For the love of God,