Apr 27, 2009 18:45
I do wish people would stop comparing Obama to the 'Messiah.'
The latest thing I've seen is a graphic of Obama wearing a crown of thorns. His arms are also outstretched, but he's holding open a pair of theatre curtains.
Obama will not forgive your sins nor has he died for you. Furthermore, he cannot grant you eternal life. Oh, and 'prosperity gospel' aside, few Christians automatically believe their lives on this planet will be better and easier because they've accepted Jesus as their Saviour. It often becomes more difficult because they've now entered a fight of faith versus common culture.
Which is why I've sadly had to become used to seeing my faith mocked all over the place. But our voices of dissent are mostly ignored, plus Jesus himself taught that we are to turn the other cheek. And that is why I can put up with the offensive stuff I have to see. Because I also know that there will come a day when I no longer need to witness it.
Meanwhile, "this too will pass."
But, when I compare Obama to Jesus, I have to shake my head in disbelief at the way some people are treating a mere mortal. There simply can be no comparison.
christian faith,